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About me

Tricia Sharkey is currently the certified Heal Your Life® Teacher and Coach Trainer, Workshop Leader and Coach for Australia and New Zealand. Tricia was bestowed this honour for having done exemplary work and having taken the Heal Your Life philosophy forward in wonderful ways.

Tricia is on a personal mission to empower people to discover and embrace their true self. Tricia believes that within each person there is an innate sense of knowing, and each individual person has the ability to recognise themselves at a deep level. By utilising an array of tools such as Colour Therapy, Massage Therapy, Essential oils, Louise Hay Heal Your Life philosophy and good old fashioned practical down to earth honest conversations Tricia helps people to gain conscious awareness to understand why they do what they do, and the way that they do it. Put simply she provides a safe and sacred space for people to self-discover and find the long sought after answers they may have been searching for in their life.

Tricia herself went on a soul searching journey when she lost her mother over 20 years ago. This was the time in her life when she really stepped onto a new path and discovered more of herself and what her true purpose was to be. Through this awakening she opted to live a life of service and to talk and listen to people one on one and pass on and share any knowledge she had gained. Since that turning point in her life, she has travelled the globe learning and teaching and is qualified in many healing modalities. Talking and listening to people from all around the world in one on one situation and conducting and teaching groups both in person and on-line alike. No matter what modality she was using she became aware of a common invisible thread. What she discovered was that this common denominator bound everyone from everywhere, no matter what culture, race, colour, creed or country. This was the desire to be seen and heard, happy and peaceful and loved and accepted for whom they truly were.

So many people are living lives that are not their own or not who they truly are. They may be unhappy or may be at dis-ease within themselves and they may be unsure why. For many, we grow up with conditions that are brought about by the influences and experiences from our parents, friends and leaders. Though they may be well intentioned, they push us into moulds that are not who we truly are and sometimes the conditioned patterns and limiting beliefs are grossly outdated. It’s time to loosen those shackles that are keeping you bound.

Tricia Sharkey is global teacher and mentor and works to give people the freedom to allow themselves to be truly who they are meant to be. With love, integrity, compassion and a healing touch Tricia provides a safe and nurturing environment, to support and guide you on your own personal transformational journey back to yourself.

Let the journey begin!

With Love

Tricia Sharkey