Heal Your Life® Coach – Advanced Training
Cairns, North Queensland Australia
7th -13th October 2023
Led by
Tricia Sharkey – Teacher Trainer/Coach Australia and New Zealand
Important Note: You must be a Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader
to be eligible for the Heal Your Life® Coach Training.
For more information please contact Tricia Sharkey at tricia@healyourlifetraining.com.au
Join us for the 2023 Coach Training at Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, The Esplanade, Cairns. The
location is superb you literally walk out of the Hotel onto the Esplanade, and is only a short stroll to
beautiful restaurants, shops and night markets. Cairns temperature at this time of the year is
tropical paradise perfect where the daily temperature ranges from 21°- 25° Celsius making it
wonderful place to thaw out after a long winter and relax in the 9hrs daily sunshine. Nourish your
soul with an early morning swim or walk along the esplanade before the training begins.
It is the ideal setting for deepening your personal and professional growth.
For More information regarding this event or any other information about Heal Your Life® Contact Tricia or go to:-